The Faculty of Hadith of Toronto in Co-Operation With the Ahle-Hadith Society of Canada presents a Two-Day Intensive Seminar in English on Explanation of the Chapter of Fasting from the Book Bulugh al-Maram Min Adillah al-Ahkam of Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (d. 852H)
By: Shaikh Abu Shaibah Riyadh Andre
(Masters Graduate, Department of Quran and Sunnah, College of Dawah and Fundamentals of Religion, Umm al-Qura University, Makkah)
Saturday & Sunday, February 15-16, 2025
1:00 PM to 7:00 PM (ET)
Imam Bukhari Centre
Unit 7, 50 Steeles Avenue East, Milton, ON., L9T 4W9
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