Everything Allah mentions about Himself in the Quran and Sunnah can be divided into 2 categories:
1) Tawheed Al ‘Ilmi (Oneness of Allah in knowledge)
2) Tawheed Al ‘Amali (Oneness of Allah in Action)
– Tawheed Al ‘Ilmi (العلمي) – This is what Allah wants you to know about Him in terms of His greatness and His description.
This is divided into 2:
1) Ar-Ruboobiyyah: That Allah is the only “Rubb”- Creator, Sustainer and Provider of the world. The creation has no other Rubb besides Him. This is one of the main lessons of the Quran. Allah begins His book by it, reminds you about it throughout the revealation.
2) Al-Asmaa Was-Sifaat: That Allah has Names (Asmaa) and Attributes (Sifaat) that He has described Himself with. No one shares those Attributes with Him. Rarely is there any ayat except Allah mentions in it one of His beautiful Names and/or Perfect Attributes. The purpose being that Allah wants His slaves to know Him and to get closer to Him through His Names and Attributes:
What are examples of Tawheed al ‘Ilmi In The Quraan?
Suffice it to say that Allah opens His book by it and ends by it and fills the Quran with this knowledge:
“All praise and thanks belong to Allah, the “Rubb” of the ‘alameen” (1:1)
Al-Asmaa Was-Sifaat:
“To Allah belong the most beautiful names so call on Him by them” (7:180)
”There is none like unto Him and He is the All seeing, All hearing” (42:11)
– Tawheed Al-‘Amali (العملي) – This is what Allah wants from you in terms of actions, building on your belief in Tawheed Al-‘Ilmi.
Under this comes “Al-Uloohiyyah” – Meaning that Allah is the only true “Ilaah”, the only one that deserves all worship and that everything worshipped besides Him is rejected. All of the Quran and Sunnah guide the creation to this fact and this reality. That since Allah is the one who created you and provied for your (Ruboobiyyah) and to Him belong the great Names and Attributes, that you should then glorify only Him, submit only to Him and love Him above everything else.
This is done by directing those actions He loves and is pleased with only to Him; i.e Worship! If someone was to direct any type of worship to other than Allah, that would destroy his Tawheed and make all of his good deeds worthless!
“And We will regard what they have done of deeds and make them as dust dispersed.” (25:23)
What are examples of Tawheed al-‘Amali in the Quraan?
”You alone do we worship and You alone do we call for help” (1:4)
”And they were not commanded except to worship Allah alone making the deen sincerely for Him” (98:5)
“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (51:56)
Knowing and Acting upon Tawheed is the Difference Between Success and Failure!
1) A great number of people who believe in Allah will have Tawheed that is corrupted: “And most of them believe not in Allah except while they associate partners with Him” (12:106)
2) This will not be accepted from them and their end result will be humiliation “And he who associates with Allah it is as if he has fallen from the sky and was snatched by birds….” (22:31)
3) The Prophets of Allah asked Allah’s help with firmness on Tawheed and so should we: “Remember˺ when Abraham prayed, “My Lord! Make this city ˹of Mecca˺ secure, and keep me and my children away from the worship of idols” (14:35)
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