The conquest of Makkah brought on the 3rd stage of the life of Allah’s Messenger Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam which is made up primarily of a) fighting the remaining idol worshipping tribes and b) the embracing of Islam by large numbers of people
Soon after the conquest of Makkah, the Hawaizin tribes rose up and the fierce battle of Hunain took place – which is mentioned in Surat Taubah ayat 25-26
After returning to Al-Madeenah the Prophet sent out many delegations and parties for the purposes of 1) Maintaining security 2) Da’wah 3) Destroying the main idols of the region
In the 9th year came the expedition to Tabuk which separated the hypocrites from the believers and brought down the ayaat of Surat Tawbah 38
It was around this time that the Prophet also destroyed the Masjid Ad-Dirar setup by the Hypocrites to divide the Muslims
In this year Negus of Abyssinia died and Allah’s Messenger ordered that he be prayed on. Umm Kulthoom the beloved daughter of the Prophet and wife of Uthman also passed away
The same year Allah’s Messenger sent Abu Bakr as the head of the Muslims to perform Hajj. It was also during this Hajj that Ali read Surat Al Tawbah and announced to the world that after this day no disbeliever will be allowed to make pilgrimage to masjid Al Haram
The year saw the continuation of the acceptance of Islam in large numbers by the arabs. Some notable tribes that came to the Prophet were
1. the delegation of Abdul Qais – which was visiting for the second time and this time with many more people having accepted Islam
2. the delegation of Ad-Daws from Yemen who were introduced to Islam by Tufail ibn Amr Ad-Dawsi who met the Prophet in the valleys of Makkah many years ago.
3. Banu Thaqif who had turned out the Prophet many times and for whom the Prophet made dual!
4. The delegation of the people of Najran who were Christian and about whom the ayaat of Mubaalaha in Aal ‘Imran were revealed
The 10th year brought the closing of the life of Allah’s messenger, which was crowned by the farewell Hajj and the completion of the religion of Islam as the ayat (Ma’idah: 3) came down on the day of Arafah
Upon completion of 10 years, on the 29th of Safar of the 11th year he fell ill. The illness would last almost 2 weeks
In the last week of his life, he asked to be moved to the house of his beloved, A’ishah may Allah be pleased with her. He would stay there until he passed away!
5 days before his death, he said words that were understood most by his close friend, Abu Bakr first: “Allah, the Great has given a slave of His to make a choice between the provisions of this dune or what He has in the aakhirah. The Slave chose the aakhirah” – upon hearing this Abu Bakr cried knowing that it was time for the Prophet to depart
4 days before his death, he ordered that Abu Bakr be ordered to lead the salat in his stead.
1 day before his death A’ishah had to borrow oil from her neighbours to light the lamp in her home and the Prophet had even mortgaged his armour to a Jewish man for some barley!
On the day of his death, his beloved daughter witnessed his pain and cried saying “What great pain my father is in!” To which the Prophet replied “He will not suffer any more when today is over”!
He then asked for Al-Hasan and Al-Hussain to be brought to him and he ordered that they be taken care of
On the 12th of Rabee Al Awwal he passed away in the lap of A’ishah at the age of 63.
Anas may Allah be pleased with him summarized the feelings of the companions upon the departure of their beloved: “I have never witnessed a day better or brighter than that day on which the Messenger of Allah came to us, and I have never witnessed a day more awful or darker day than that on which the Messenger of Allah died on”
And his beloved daughter, Faatimah may Allah be pleased with her, eulogized her father upon his death: “Oh Father whom his lord responded to his supplication! Oh father, whose abode is paradise, oh Father, whose death I announce to Jibreel!”
His body was washed with his clothes on and he was buried where he died in the house of A’ishah.
The companions who washed were Al-Abbas, Ali, Al-Fadhl, Qathm , Usamah bin Zaid, the two sons of Al-Abbas and Aws bin Khauli. May Allah be pleased with them.
This concludes the summary of the life of the best of creation.
Indeed he fulfilled his trust in the best way, he gave sincere advice to his people out of his love and care for them and he struggled in the way of Allah a struggle like no other until his last breath.
May Allahs Salat and Salaam be upon the Last and Final Messenger – Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam!
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