The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam left for Madeenah in the 10th year in the month of Safar at the age of 53
With him was his close friend Abu Bakr who was honoured as being his companion on this noble journey
He would remain in Madeenah for 10 years while his time in Makkah as a prophet would be 13 years
He went on to build the noble masjid of Quba and as he moved on the time for Salatul Jumah came and he prayed the first Jumah in the history of Islam
He would then go onto build his masjid and the dwellings of his family and companions around it
That same year half the companions that migrated to Habasha would return to Madeenah
Then he made a pact of brotherhood between the Muhaajiroon and the Ansar
Soon after a pact with the Jewish tribes of Madeenah was formed – that they are one community with the Muslims and that they will share and defend each from external enemies
In the 2nd year of Hijrah the Qibla was changed from Bait Al Maqdis to Makkah in the month of Rajab
This same year the first Jewish tribe, Qainuqaa, broke their covenant with the Muslims resulting in their expulsion to Syria
The fasting of a full month was revealed in Sha’baan of that year and the battle of Badr, the day of Furqaan took place on the 17th of Ramadan
Ruqayyah the daughter of the prophets passed away before the army returned from battle
The same year the noble Faatimah was married to the Ali the brave and in the same year the prophets uncle Al-Abbaas accepted Islam after being taken prison
In the 3rd year Umm Kulthoom was married to Uthmaan who was honoured with the title of Dhun-Nnorayn
Soon after The Prophet married Hafsah bint Umar and Zaynab bint Jash the same year
The battle of Uhud and the martyrdom of great Sahaba such as Hamza ibn Abdul Muttalib also took place the same year
In the same year Intoxicants were made haram and his beloved grandsons, Al-Hasan and Al-Hussain were born
The 4th year of Hijrah brought the sad events of the Ar-Rajii’ when a number of the companions were ambushed and killed treacherously
This was followed by the treacherous killing of another 40 companions at Bi’r Ma’unah, as they were sent on another mission to teach some tribes about Islam
The same year came the treachery of Banu Nadeer and the events mentioned in Surat Al Hashr
The 4th year of the Hijra saw further deception by the Jewish tribes of Al-Madeenah as they gathered the Quraish in a decisive assault known as the battle of Khandaq or Ahzab
The Muslims with their belief in Allah and His help overcame their enemies, sent them home humiliated and then went to deal with the threat of Banu Quraidha who led the treachery
The 6th year brought the expedition of Banu Mustaliq which strengthened the image of the Muslims in the minds of the disbelievers as a formidable force
Shortly after came the sad events of the slander of the Mother of the Believers, A’ishah and the subsequent witness by Allah to her purity and chastity in Surat al Nur
In the 6th year occurred the treaty of Hudaibiyyah after the Prophet set out with the companions to make Umrah. See ayat 18 of Al-Fath
Late in the 6th year after the Hijra the Prophet wrote letters and sent delegations to the rulers of neighboring kingdoms to accept Islam, such as Abyssinia, Egypt, Persia, Byzantium and others.
The ruler of Egypt, Maqawqas sent Maariyah Al Qibtiyyah to Allah’s messenger. She embraced Islam and became one of the Mothers of the Believers
In the 7th year Abu Hurairah became muslim and the battle of Khaibar took place
In the 7th year the great sahabi Abu Hurairah became muslim and the battle of Khaibar took place
Soon after the Prophet married Safiya may Allah be pleased with her, after she accepted Islam.
It was after Khaibar that the Prophet was given a poisoned roasted sheep by a Jewish woman
In the same year occurred the expedition of Dhat Ur-Riqaa (expedition of rags) due to the long and difficult journey. It was also in here that the Prophet prayed the “Prayer of Fear”.
In the same year, the Prophet led the companions in Umrah for the first time – about 2000 men and some women and children
It was after this Umrah that the Prophet was offered the hand of Maimuna may Allah be pleased with her, he accepted and they were married
The 8th year brought the fiercest battle the companions had ever fought yet, the battle of Mu’tah in which Zaid Ibn Harithah, Abdullah Ibn Rawahah and Jaafar Ibn Abi Tailb were all martyred and Khalid became commander for the first time.
The Ramadan of the 8th year also brought the crowning jewel in the successes of the Muslims, the conquest of the city of Makkah, the defeat of the head of the pagans and the cleansing of the house of Allah from idol worship.
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