The Ahle-Hadith Society of Canada is pleased to announce that we have secured a location for a masjid for the Ahlul Hadith da’wah. We thank Allah first and foremost and then those brothers and sisters who have supported this da’wah and continue to support it.
We are extremely excited with this step forward and look forward to continue calling people to Allah’s religion upon the understanding of the Salaf. We ask Allah for His help and to grant everyone involved in this effort, sincerity and adherence to the Sunnah.
The masjid has been named Markaz Imam Al-Bukhari and is located at Unit-8, 50 Steeles Avenue East, Milton, ON.
Please note that there is still work that needs to be done for the masjid to be fully operational. We will provide updates here as we move along over the next few days.
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